1. ADL scan is committed to keeping your information safe and secure in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth)(the “Privacy Act”) and the Australian Privacy Principles contained therein. By engaging ADL Scan services or browsing ADL Scan’s mobile application (the “Application”), you are giving consent to ADL Scan to use your Personal Information in the manner set out in this Privacy Policy.
  2. “Personal Information” is information we hold which is identifiable as being about you.


  1. ADL Scan may collect and use the following kinds of information:
    • information about your use of the Application (including operating system; version and language; pages viewed while browsing the Application; page access times; and referring Application address);and
    • information about your personal details (including, but not limited to,name; package details; phone contact details; address information; email; date of birth; username; password; and payment information)
  2. Personal Information and your personal details may be collected from you in a variety of ways, including but not limited to:
    • when you register for the services;
    • when you interact with ADL Scan electronically or in person;
    • when you access the Application;
    • and when ADL Scan provides services to you.


  1. ADL Scan may use your Personal Information to:
    • enable your access to the Application;
    • provide to you the services that you purchase or request as a customer;
    • track usage and measure traffic statistics of the Application;
    • receive and/or access information from third party providers for the provision of our services to you;
    • contact you regarding your use of the services or services offered by ADL Scan;
    • contact you in relation to comments, complaints, enquiries or
dispute resolution;
    • communicate with third party providers or associate parties with
respect to the provision of the services; and
  2. ADL Scan will not disclose Personal Information about you, unless it is required, incidental or otherwise related to the primary purpose of providing services to you or a third party for which you have consented to by engaging ADL Scan’s services, or browsing ADL Scan’s Application. However, ADL Scan may disclose your Personal Information to its business partners who assist in providing services to you as a customer.
  3. ADL Scan in its sole discretion, may disclose your Personal Information to the extent that it is required to do so by law, in connection with any legal proceedings or prospective legal proceedings or investigation, and in order to establish, exercise or defend its legal rights.
  4. ADL Scan is not liable for how a third party uses your Personal Information if the Personal Information has been disclosed in accordance with this policy.


  1. It is important that you advise ADL Scan of changes to your Personal Information that you have provided to ADL Scan as it is essential that your Personal Information is accurate, complete, and up-to-date in order for ADL Scan to provide services to you.
  2. ADL Scan uses reasonable technical precautions and has implemented business processes to protect your Personal Information from misuse,loss, unauthorised access, modification and disclosure. However ADL Scan is not liable for any unauthorised access to, or dissemination of, this information.
  3. ADL Scan will take all reasonable steps to destroy or permanently de-identify
Personal Information if it is no longer needed for the purposes of providing our services to you and where ADL Scan is not required to retain that information by law.


  1. You are responsible to ensure that the information you provide to ADL Scan is accurate, complete and up-to-date.
  2. By request, you may contact ADL Scan at adlscan3@gmail.com and ask to know what sort of Personal Information is held about you, for what purposes, and how it is collected, held, used and disclosed and you may also request access to the information held. ADL Scan may charge, in its discretion, a reasonable administration fee for this access.
  3. ADL Scan in its sole discretion may consider that there is a sound reason under the Privacy Act, Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth) or other relevant law to withhold Personal Information, or not make the requested changes.


  1. You acknowledge that ADL Scan retains, collects and maintains your Personal Information for statistical analysis purposes (whether for commercial or non-commercial purposes). You agree that ADL Scan may share, distribute and/or transfer information which you have provided to ADL Scan to third parties, after that information has been de-identified.
  2. ADL Scan may use cookies on its Application. Cookies are very small files which an Application uses to identify you when you come back to the site and to store details about your use of the Application. Cookies are not malicious programs that access or damage your computer. ADL Scan uses cookies to improve the experience of people using its Application. If you do not or are unable to accept cookies from ADL Scan, you may not be able to access the full functionality of the Application.


  1. Sensitive information is defined in the Privacy Act to include information or opinion about such things as an individual’s racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, membership of a political association, religious or philosophical beliefs, membership of a trade union or other professional body, criminal record or health information.
  2. Sensitive information will be used by ADL Scan only:
    • for the primary purpose for which it was obtained;
    • for a secondary purpose that is directly related to the primary
    • with your consent; or
    • where required or authorized by law.


  1. As a valuable customer, if you have any complaints in relation to this
Privacy Policy or privacy practice, please contact ADL Scan at
  2. A complaint should identify whether it is about:
    • the collection of Personal Information;
    • the use of Personal Information;
    • the disclosure of Personal Information;
    • the security or storage of Personal Information;
    • the accuracy of Personal Information;
    • a refusal to give complaint access to or find out about their Personal Information; or
    • a refusal to change or delete Personal Information.
  3. ADL Scan values your opinions and takes complaints very seriously. Upon receiving written notice of your complaint about privacy, ADL Scan will respond quickly to advise you of the outcome following its enquiring into the same. You will also be invited to respond to its outcome. If a response is received, ADL Scan will assess it and advise if it has changed its view or outcome. If you are unsatisfied with the final outcome, ADL Scan will advise further options including, if appropriate, making a complaint with the Office
of the Australian Information Commissioner.


  1. No partnership or agency Nothing contained or implied in this Privacy Policy will create or constitute, or be deemed to create or constitute, a partnership between you and ADL Scan. A party must not act, represent or hold itself out as having authority to act as the agent of the other party or in any way bind or commit the other parties to any obligation.
  2. Waivers In limited circumstances, ADL Scan may allow you to waive application of this Privacy Policy. A waiver of this Privacy Policy must be in writing and signed by ADL Scan. ADL Scan anticipates that the waiver of this Privacy Policy would only be in exceptional circumstances, and ADL Scan encourages that you consider the circumstances leading to the waiver request prior to submitting such a request.
  3. Governing Law & Jurisdiction This Privacy Policy is governed by the laws of New South Wales, Australia. In the event of any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Privacy Policy, you agree that the exclusive venue for resolving any dispute shall be Sydney, Australia.


  1. This Privacy Policy is available online via Apple App Store, Google Play Store, or by clicking the “Privacy Policy” link located in the Application. ADL Scan reserves the right to modify or amend this Privacy Policy at any time and for any reason, without notification.
  2. ADL Scan updates this Privacy Policy from time to time by posting a new version on its Application. You shall be taken to agree to the Privacy Policy from the time the new policy is posted on its Application.


  1. Please contact ADL Scan if you have any questions regarding this Privacy Policy.
Email: adlscan3@gmail.com